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BEACON to be ON (copy from Concomitant Technologies)

Jun 4, 2009

Business Trip, Vacation and 2 Projects of Millions USD!

Some delay in publications, but I have added two great ideas on making money in telecom!
Category: General
Posted by: inventor

Last week I was in Business Trip. This week I was busy with regular job. Next week I'm on vacation. Thus you have now two great projects, and you have a time to think about these!

METADATA CONTENT SERVER - it's about offering new convenient services, which a based on enhanced metadata usage.

MEDIATION BUSINESS - it's about making money on cross-platform SDK for applications development companies. This is B2B project and applied for "Business Development" topic.

Both projects are quite simple, in terms of technology. There are necessary only patience, good management skills and some financing/investments, that next year You are in FORTUNE TOP500!

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