There are some changes appearing in the World, that I have noticed one trend in Cellular Networks Coverage. This trend is dictating only one solution of all ideas and concepts available on the market. So, this is Femto-Cell.


· Cellular Networks’ frequencies moving from hundreds of MHz to tens of GHz and the Trend is that then to hundreds of GHz. While buildings are still made of firm materials, which are resistant to high frequencies.

· There is a clear trend that devices resistant to passing radio-wave, such as TV, Audio-Centers are become bigger and/or take more space in the house (in more rooms, in more houses around than before). But there is another trend for the future – windows and walls made as screens. I sure you saw movies or remember several articles, where windows change transparency electronically, and/or supposed to display weather, then walls designed as present photo-frames, and so on. So, there is obvious trend that any external radio signal is being weaker inside modern equipped buildings.

· Houses and office buildings are more and more equipped with different wireline and wireless networks. So, we have more cables, more various frequencies which are divisible by present Cellular Networks’ frequencies (or may be divisible by for coming cellular network standards). Just few examples – toys with access to WLAN/Internet, refrigerators with access to Internet, security/maintenance systems working over radio interfaces and/or with access to Internet.

· Another case is about people’s behavior and available services – people even if at home, keep (and willing to) talking over cellular phones, use mobile internet such as HSPA/LTE, WiMAX.

We have well enough points to make a conclusion that we need some radio-wave amplifier for cellular and urban/outer mobile internet networks. At present there is one on the market – Femto-Cell. Another alternative – external antenna, direct repeater and things like this. Later on I will demonstrate that this is not really good and nice way.


One important thing with Femto-Cells for Cellular Networks is that there will come soon LTE Femto-Cells. If we consider this as the fact, then we have following consequences.

· Speed of access in LTE is over 100 Mbps. It’s well enough compare to typical present type of wireline access like - LAN or ADSL. But, it’s in fact up to 500 Mbps in its further development.

· You may reject that these values are some nice theoretical picture for unloaded cell in the plain field. Yep! That’s why we use Femto-Cell and do not use external antenna (repeater). The Femto-cell is allowing to create your own cellular network with perfect coverage, that you have 0.5 Gbps just for your own several devices.

· You may ask – why LTE Femto-Cell will dominate and not some WiMAX solution or why no different co-existing solutions? There are two corresponding answers.

o LTE providing maximum speed of access, compare to other standards. Even if for some purpose this should be reduced – not a big question! But if some technology hasn’t enough speed of access, then there is no possibility to easily increase speed of access.

o Continuous offering of Femto-Cell devices from 2G/GPRS via 3G/HSPA till LTE will made LTE Femto-Cell a de facto mass product, that we have low cost hardware, many end-user solutions, a lot of maintenance and management systems and so on.

· Last point, but not least – LTE has best integration with regular cellular voice networks, as it’s an heir of 3G (WCDMA/HSPA). Then all the benefits of single contact book and easy and abundant selection of types of call - are more natural in LTE, compare to other high-speed radio packet data standards.


There are some key factors for success, which have to be considered in introduction of LTE Femto-Cell.

· LTE in-house should be just global radio access standard and not to be the only extension of cellular operator. I mean that there is no any reason to charge subscribers for in-house Femto-Cell’s traffic same amount as for external mobile LTE services. At least there are no such things as roaming, mobility and so on.

· Even more – LTE Femto-Cell device should be physically connected over wireline broadband. Good for operator if it’s

Mobile and Fixed Line operator same time, that they have control over all types of the subscriber’s access, while subscriber has convenience of having one bill.

· Surely that for making regular phone calls from mobile phone it can be considered as cellular network service.

· Then, we have a notebook which is supplied with LTE chip only. In-house its usage similar to usage with present Wi-Fi router (connected by wireline), while out of the house it’s connected to cellular network.

· Another important point for success of LTE Femto-Cell – possibility to work on variety of access speeds and possibility to maintain more protocols.

o For example, smart refrigerator can be still connected with low cost LTE chip, but most probably it needs to be most simple as it possible. I mean – most low speed of access, simplified protocols and so on.

o Another example – security/maintenance system which gathering different information from different sub-systems and sensors. There are necessary to have at the same time variety of speeds and variety in complexity of protocols, that radio network is more looks like ZigBee.

o Last example – TV-set needs guaranteed broadband access, for continuous stream. It’s necessary to make some markers in protocol, as there are no such unusual devices in outer LTE network.

Thus we may see that LTE Femto-Cell should have some special additional release of protocols, compare to its elder brother – outer LTE base station.


I hope that I have done nice demonstration of LTE Femto-Cell usage. Then if you agree, you have consider your business in line with these facts above.

Whatever IT/Telco business you have – there are enough place for almost any development. Just look some

· Must be simple management systems for in-house LTE network. Some retail end-user and user-friendly product.

· Must be protocols and exact applications of converging most slow 1Kbps sensor and 100Mbps TV-Set in one in-house LTE network.

· Whatever is now working as external storage systems (audio-system with CD, DVD player, photo-frame with SD card) have to be re-designed for radio access. Here we have technical questions, copy-right questions, usability questions and maintenance finally.

Another aspects of Femto-Cell success cases – check in the Femto-MVNO article.

Ideas for Enterprise usage you may find in the FMC 2.0 article.